Politics Plus Friday Photos

Here's what Matt Damon has to say about Sarah Palin. In a nutshell, he says that her nomination is like a plot to a bad Disney--conservative hockey mom makes it the White House. He wants to know why more people aren't talking about how absurd her nomination is.

Speaking of absurd (absurdly cute), how about this mournful dog?

This house is off of Morris and maybe 12th or 13th. I like that it's so ornate and strange; a little out place with the row houses surrounding it.
Plus, lions.
I love how skinny and strange looking this cat is and how he has on that way too big blue collar. You just know that the owners hear the bell ding-a-linging all day and night long.
Kitten and clocks set to all different times. I would like to meet the people who live here.

Will be going to CT today on Amtrak to visit family. I like riding the train because it makes me feel like something interesting or mysterious might happen ala a Hitchcock film.


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