
My friend Kali sent me an e-card yesterday from this very funny site called someecards.com.You must go on it and obsessively send them to everyone you know. Here's mine for the week. Went out last night for Liz's birthday and met a bunch of her girlfriends and one of her guy friends at Chaucer's and then we went to Pub on Passyunk and then back to Liz's and then I walked home and was almost picked up by a very short Mexican man. I kept talking Spanish to him and he kept talking English to me and neither one of us understood the other. Tonight, I'm going out with Stephanie and Celia for Center City Sips. Hey, I went to the gym at lunch time which means I have earned the right to drink 16 wheat beers, right? I sent another one to my coworker that read "Our safe word scares me."

Here's one for Jodie:

I am still thinking about the Janey Doe book. Though I do want it to be a detective story of some kind, I don't want her to be a cop or in the business or anything. It can be set in South Philadelphia and she should work in an office setting and have a habit of making up fake profiles on dating sites (not that I would ever do that) and sometimes, she goes on blind dates and uses a British accent and maybe she meets this guy named Ethan Allen and falls for him but she's already lied so much that she doesn't know how to get herself out of it and considers faking her death and trying to come back as her twin. She gets most of her ideas from As the World Turns. She could be somewhat unremarkable in her appearance. Maybe the key is that she witnesses something she shouldn't have seen. Her mom, the British woman, should be a former famous stage actress in London, renowned for her performance of Hedda Gabbler. I must write a book that has the words "Hedda Gabbler" in it. I just want to write something fun and not worry about it too much. I met with the advisor of Temple's MLA program and she seemed to think that I might be able to take some of the MFA writing classes. She was very encouraging about the thesis--said that it could for sure be a creative project. So, a novel, but maybe not this Janey thing. One way to discover if this is something I could do would be to actually start writing it as opposed to writing about writing it (huh?).


jordynn said…
Thanks... I just spent like, an hour reading every single one of those cards! And you didn't send any to me!!
Liz said…
I'm gonna copy you and post my card of the day on MY blog. Although I had already planned to do this so it's not really copying...I can't believe you're going to HH. I'm on my way home where I will glue my ass to the couch until morning.
Aimee said…
what the hell is HH? I do not know. Hilton Head?
Aimee said…
My mistake. Expect cards tomorrow...
Anonymous said…
I can't believe you never sent me the "You're going to be a great MILF" card when I was pregnant...
Aimee said…
Maybe because I just found out about these two days ago? You're going to have to get knocked up again, obviously.

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