Daisy and Henry Miller

Classes start next week and I'm signed up for a graduate course called The Short Novel. My friend Molly is in it too and so I suppose we'll be competing to see who can answer the most question correctly during class. The first two books we're reading are Daisy Miller by Henry James and The Awakening by Kate Chopin. I've read the Chopin book but not the one about Daisy. I think I might hate Henry James, but maybe not; I vaguely recall trying to wade through The Turn of the Screw and being disappointed because I'd heard that it was scary (has a couple of dead kids in it maybe?), but the voice was so muted and detailed that I couldn't engage in it at all. Or maybe that was the book version of The Way We Were. I am having an interior battle about taking the writing workshop this semester; I really enjoyed it, but it runs kind of late (6:30-9:30) and it might mean having to drive to work on that day and I am always exhausted, etc., etc. However, I did get a story out of it last time. However again, I might be taking a graduate writing class in the spring...

Here is a link to a video from the funniest show on TV today, Flight of the Conchords. Celia and Irena introduced me to them, because they are both spoiled and have HBO. Not a one of us can decide which of the two guys we like better, they are both great. Very, very funny.

Last night was Kelly's birthday and so we met at Drinker's Pub where we were waited on by a little bitty punked-out waitress named Casey who wore a hoodie and had a few piercings. She was very efficient. I found a guy for Kelly to make out with, but she wasn't interested in him. Then there was this other guy in there named William who was married but wore no wedding ring and was talking about how his wife is a total bitch but he loves his two kids. We circulated asking people to write down one or two things she really should do this year. Kelly ix-nay-ed several of them for good reasons. I added a few like "make Aimee a dress" though I am not holding my breath on that one and really, I should learn to make my own dress.

It's eerily quiet in here today b/c Joe's on vacation and Alberta is out sick and Ingrid and Stephanie have been running around to meetings all day and Greg is fairly quiet all the time. I can't stop glancing out my window though I don't have the best view--just the stream of traffic up Broad Street. Students will be returning soon and I'm kind of excited to see them. They are the cutest and it's interesting too, to count the eating disorders (saw two today).


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