Day 15: the halfway mark

Words written:1,546

Possible celebrities spotted: 2

I took a bit of a writing break to edit and delete and recharge. Wrote out plot points and read. Then we went to the galleries in East Hampton and possibly saw John Legizamo and this other character actor. Or not, but I'm pretty sure it was him and he looked like an ordinary guy, which I guess he must be most of the time.

Note: I wrote this last night on my phone and the app for Blogger isn't the greatest.  

Art from the show 

A schnoodle named Mr. Fatty


Drawings like Rawl Brown used to do in fifth grade and other guys would buy the girl nudies from him. 

Ilysa who knows a lot of people here. 

More art. 

Ilsya, the sunglasses try-on. 

I believe that's John Legizamo in the white shirt and another famous actor in the blue shirt. They are just hanging out with a bunch of toddlers. I tried to be cool about it. 


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