Eye(s) of Newt
We have a new neighbor, a photographer from New York, who just bought the house two doors down from us. He has spent the last several weeks staying up until all hours of the night knocking down walls and doorways with a sledgehammer, scrapping paint, pulling up floors, and generally trying to get the house into a different kind of order. It's a huge place, three floors high and goes way way back. Newt chain smokes, stomping out his cigarettes on the floor with his boots. I'm not sure what the real color of his hair is b/c he's usually filthy, and he always shows up at our house with a bottle of beer swinging from his fingers. He has leant us tools and gloves and masks and a wet vac and only ever really borrowed our can opener which barely chews open metal. He has a fluffy yellowish dog named Mia with crooked ears who would like to eat my cats up in two snaps. He got her in Italy, I think. He also lived in China for ten years. He truly believes that anything the U.S. produces research-wise is b.s. and that you can find better information on the Internet. We like him.