Your Friends and Neighbors

Had dinner at Bomb Bomb last night. An authentic South Philly restaurant where the wait staff calls you "hon" and the menu lists spaghetti sauce as gravy. 

Here are some other things seen around town lately. This is where you can train your little precocious dancers so that they can aspire to audition and be rejected for a reality show at some point.

And a cat I pass frequently and have probably already featured on one of these posts.

Different cat. Not sure what that black thing is to the left of him. A black wooden duck?

Jenn and I went to GreensGrow Gardens last weekend and I bought some plants, including a gladiola or a hyacinth or some such thing. I may have already killed it.

A single red rose is like a single tear coursing down your cheek...................................................

Cats dutifully killing and eating something gross.

Yeah! It's some kind of holiday on Monday! Bring out the flags! (I passed a white-haired old man on the sidewalk today saying, "I'll give you a call after Labor or Memorial Day or whatever the fucking holiday is").

This cat is available for very cheap at Doggie Style in South Philadelphia.

I  see this cat often when I'm walking down 11th Street after going to the gym. I like his blue eyes.

And again. He always rolls over for me.

Since it's graduation time, several houses have these elaborate congrats signs and banners. There was one right down the street for Shaniqua (I'm not making that up); I didn't take a picture because someone was walking behind me and I felt self-conscious. But look at the many photos of Rosyln.

Street art. If you can't have real flowers, you can always make them yourself.

I guess the Flyers are in some kind of competition?

Squished up cat.


You never know what animal you might see. I just caught a glimpse of fur. I believe this is a terrier or a Scottie or a Scottish terrier.A Toto dog.

And finally, yet another kitty. As some might say, cats are part of my lifestyle.


Julie said…
The black thing is a cat, with its head tilted, looking away from the window towards the room. It took me a minute....

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