Need to Update my i-Pod

I need to figure out how to log into my other laptop at home and access the web, because I am sick of all of my music. I realized lately that the songs are mostly from the 80s and 90s and most of them have some kind of memory attached to them, so that every time I listen to a particular song, I trigger that memory. It's not that they are good or bad associations; most are pretty simple and silly, like Rod Stewart's "Forever Young," reminds me of my college roommate, Lauren, who dedicated that song to her parent's at her graduation. I always thought it was a funny thing to do--like, the song seems more as if the parent's would dedicate it to their kids and not vice versa. Liz Phair songs remind me of State College and GFTEO. The Outkast song, "Your Love," reminds me of a night in high school with the kids from Countryside High. The theme from Oklahoma reminds me also of high school, because that was the first musical I was in and where I had exactly one line (that I got wrong). And on and on. And then there are songs I loved but am tired of, like Elliot Smith's "Someone That I Used to Know," in large part because it's grammatically incorrect.


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