Because I am lazy and unimaginative today, I'm just going to post this video I stole off of Cute Overload. I will try to think of an interesting topic of conversation later on.
A couple of weeks ago, Lisa Marie and I found a yard sale and stopped to browse. As a result, she bought a cute little black dress that she wore to her opening of her awesome art film, Troupe de Fetishe which you can now see at the Crane Arts building in Fishtown. I bought two pair of shoes for $4 total. These are the boots. And these are the red Mary Jane heels. I seldom wear heels b/c I quite often fall over, but these have a thick heel, so I am able to wobble around in them almost seamlessly. Then the other day, Dan took me to Green Street and I found this coat/sweater. It's good for chilly weather, but won't be enough for cold winter snow. It works for now. Oh, and these are the two leather things I got Lisa Marie for her birthday (I can put them up now b/c her birthday was yesterday). I don't really know what they're for, but I got them at Jane in Princeton. Luke saw them while he was eating a bagel at Starbucks and asked me if he could squeeze his cream cheese in...
You have to maintain a much more focused attention when reading a good short story versus a novel, because if you skim, you might miss something. For this reason, I find it a little more difficult on my brain to read short stories. But if you're going to write in the form, you should read in the form (and others--I have yet to memorize a poem as was suggested in my workshop last week), so I've been trying. Lauren Groff has a story called "At the Round Earth's Imagined Corners" in Best American Short Stories, 2014. You might have read her novel The Monsters of Templeton, or her other short story from a previous Best of collection, "Delicate Edible Birds" (also the name of her book of short stories), I have a vague recollection that that story was about World War II or possibly World War I and a dinner party where the people invited are living it up . I seem to also remember a line about the crunching of tiny bird bones. The Monsters of Templeton ...
I am glad that he's still working as an actor, even if it's just Law and Order Special Victims Unit but what's more depressing is that he is starting to have a craggy face that makes his nose look larger, and he's got bags under his eyes. Mr Big, what has happened? It's happening to me too. I am getting old, I am getting to the point where people will start giving my birthday cards that jokingly say, Over the Hill! with black balloons. I hate it. The culture of youth. I saw a bunch of teenage girls walking to Catholic school this morning in really short pleated skirts and black tights. One girl was behind the rest, and she had an armful of notebooks and folders clutched to her chest. She is that girl who sits in the front of the class and raises her hand first. I tried to remember what it was like to be in high school--what things did I dread? Everything. Did I have my gym shoes for PE? Would we have to play softball (I was not athletic)? Did I finish my homework fo...