Three Generations and More

Here you have my Grandma, who was born on December 3, 1918, which I suppose makes her 91 years old or so (if only I could do math). She lives in a retirement community in a two bedroom/two bath apartment. She still has a good sense of humor and says things like, Well, now we're in a pickle!

And this is my mother and her mother. Mom is making a tuna casserole with whole wheat noodles for my Uncle Francis. She can whip up these meals lickety-split. It is not a genetic trait, nor is her sewing ability.

Me and my Aunt JoAnne. I'm staying at her house and Mom is at Grandma's. JoAnne has this great guest bedroom that gets really, really dark so you feel all safe and secure. It also has a ceiling fan. I like to sleep with the sound of the fan whirring. Even if I'm cold, I will still put it on. You'll notice from this photo that I am having a patch of white hair on my forehead. I'm trying to resist pulling out those hairs because I'm going to go for a Stacey from What Not to Wear Look--this streak of white that I think is kind of sexy. In this photo, it looks as though my head is eclipsing JoAnne's, but I promise that both of us are of normal human proportions.

And my sweet Uncle Franny who has been known as the sensitive one since forever. In high school, he played the trumpet and was on Giltner's Hornets football team. He looks exactly the same to me as he ever did.

Tonight, we will go to a concert at the Giltner Community Center where Krista Detor is playing. Last time I was here, JoAnne gave me one of her CDs. She's really good--a little on the melancholy side. JoAnne has spent hours making food for the event as well as a batch of frozen sangria. Can't wait!


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