My First Film With Sound


Anonymous said…
you are so mean to the henri!
Aimee said…
Please don't contact animal control!!! He was well payed for his role. He was "acting."
Fab performance my dear. I think this is the first time I've actually seen Henry. It seems he is a natural on the screen. If I want to play with him (and torture him with loud noises) I will be sure to bring my camera. Your narrative reminds me of Kathy Bates in Misery...."You are an amazing kitty and I want to keep you all to myself. I am going to video tape you for hours and hours to celebrate your talent and when you have to pee, I will video tape you some more"
Aimee said…
Perhaps I'll write a short story about it and call it "Kitt-ery."
Anonymous said…
Aimee, Love the film Henri is so brave and cute.

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