Another cat has appeared, less than two weeks since we had to put Gretel to sleep. Amanda and Kim found him chasing a butterfly in an alcove while they were on a smoke break. They captured him and put him in my office where he immediately went to sleep under my chair. I don't know what to think. He's very cute and he's affectionate and sweet, but Henri hasn't been a single cat for very long and I think he prefers not having to compete for my attention. Plus I don't know if the two cats would get along. Plus Gretel just died. Plus the extra litter and food. Plus who wants to become attached to another animal that's going to eventually make you sad again? He does look a little like Henri only he has much more white. I didn't name him (though I thought of some names. Does he look like a Linus?Flufferheadbudgetbuttonhooknose? Twinkletoes? Pinky Tuscadaro?). Last night, Shawn and I were interrupted from contemplating the animal by the sound of sirens. Went out...