Oh, yeah, we got the house

After a harrowing weekend of not discussing the issue one bit, we found out on Monday that the nameless, faceless investors owning the property on Oxford Street accepted Shawn's bid. He was convinced he wouldn't get it...I believed he would. A little about this house: it has a huge cement backyard that Shawn has alreayd mentally redone with a jacuzzi, Zen garden, a small bar, a few trees, and weatherproof patio furniture; the front is white stucco with brown trim (I think we should paint the trim a vibrant blue); there's a wood burning stove in the center of the living room so that he and I may fulfill our life long dream of playing Little House on the Prairie every day; two bedrooms and a large bathroom upstairs, and a small powder room next to the small kitchen. Oh, and the refrigerator in the mud room. It will most likely be easy to move the fridge into the kitchen. My dream is to take out the powder room entirely to expand the kitchen into the mud room; that way, we could create a much larger, eat in kitchen. Shawn suggested adding French doors which would also be totally hot. Additionally costs so far: $16,987 (give or take). We would also like to purchase window boxes for the three windows in front and possibly shutters. Oh, dear lord, I'm becoming a sub-urban-ite; a strange class of home owners who live in urban areas but are as obsessed with home improvement as the suburban neighbors they mock.

I have noticed lately that among the new class of WB/UPN schlocky shows like Gilmore Bitches and One Pine Tree Mountain, Summerlock, and Southeastern Alexa Beach are the return of the stars from past melodramatic hour long shows geared toward 14 year olds. Jennie Garth aka Kelly from 90210 is on a show now that will probably last a coupel weeks, the guy who played Bailey in Party of Five was on another show last night (he looks exactly the same except he has a slight wrinkle in between his eyebrows, but then again, Bailey always was a worrier), and the older brother from Pof5--the one with the perpetual five o'clock shadow--now stars in the run away hit, Lost. I know I recently saw someone else in that genre on a new show, but I can't think who it was. I am happy that Duckie from Sixteen Candles has his own (very very very stupid) sitcom with fellow former 80s teen scenester, Charlie Sheen and I am even happy that Doogie Howser has an equally bad TV comedy too, though it distresses me to look at him b/c he has aged which reminds me that I am older which reminds me that I shouldn't be watching shows on the WB any more, I should be acting mature. This phenomena of recently returned TV icons makes me nervous that Tori Spelling will pop up some where. I won't be able to handle that. She's one of those many Hollywood TCOFP's (Talentless Children of Famous People) who still appears in fashion magazines on a regular basis even though she hasn't done jack shit and still has a horsey face.



Anonymous said…
looking at Tori Spelling makes me realize that she looks kind of like e. mazzolini, my nemesis...

-one who shall remained unnamed (lest google-induced consequences rain down upon one's head), but who may or may not live in a lightly-populated state in the inland Pacific Northwest...
Anonymous said…
congratulations on the house, aimee. i am happy for you, but sad for you to stop being my neighbor. :(
i'll call ya soon.

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