Good Luck, Your Coffee Sucks

I am trying very hard to patronize a new local coffee shop on 9th street, just steps away from Starbucks. It's a cute place with unaffordable local art on the walls and the stiff looking pastries that all coffee shops seem to offer. However, the coffee just isn't as good as it is at Starbucks. Perhaps it's unfair to hold a small operation up to a mutli-kajillion dollar conglomerate like Starbucks who can afford to have 20 people per store in the back scrubbing out the coffee machines, grinding fresh beans, and maintaining just the right temp and aroma. Still, I drink coffee every morning and some mornings, I just want it to be good instead of okay. Attention struggling coffee shops with artistic themes: Put less effort into decor and more effort into making really, really good coffee. I'd like to like the Bean on South Street but their brew consistently tastes stale and bitter. And David Cross has allowed himself to be quoted on a Starbucks coffee sleeve. Very sad?

In other news, Shawn and I are still waiting to find out from Dominick if the owners are going to accept the bid he put in for their property. He's completely stressed out. I feel like we'll get the place but it would be nice to know for certain. I considered rebuilding the house in Sim land to see how we could decorate it, but then I came to my sense. I play the game enough as it is.

We were extremely popular this weekend--went over to Carrie's (owner of the white Spirit cat) for dinner and to celebrate my friend Padhraig's birthday. After dinner, a bunch of other people showed up for clover leaf shaped chocolate cake and then departed again to go to Fluid. I met a girl who lives in Fishtown and one of those very earnest conversations you have after drinking 3 apple martinis and 15 glasses of red wine. We exchanged phone numbers. Another girl who was there gave me her e-mail. I am such a girlfriend slut. On Saturday, my friend Jess came into town and we forced her to go to Fishtown with us to look at the house. She seemed to like it. I always forget how funny Jess is. We had lunch at Standard Tap where I ordered a gigantic ham and cheese sandwich piled high with ten pounds of ham. Finally, Saturday night we went to dinner at Shawn's boss' condo; a really beautiful place with high ceilings and a loft bedroom and a girl cat named Mavis. I spent most of the night attempting to win the cat over.


Anonymous said…
just buy the starbucks, ya whore, ya know you want it!

AIMEE! AIMEE! AIMEE! So much drama!

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