Thanks, Dot

Here's my newest article for Philadelphia Maven. It's called "If Dorothy Parker Were on Facebook." I wrote it after recently reading Parker's short story, "The Telephone Call" which is great and wonderful and so sadly true of my experiences. My deadline for the next issue was Tuesday. Whoops! Guess I better get cracking on that. I've started it, but it needs to be wrapped. Okay, I will do that today, cause I'm going to see L & L in Park Slope for the firecracker weekend.


Anonymous said…
love the maven essay--the rotarian reference reminded me of jodie's costume that halloween, so funny. have fun in nyc. we're stuck here in pittsburgh. i think we're the only people left in the city.
Aimee said…
Yes, that's right--Jodie was Gus the Rotarian.

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