16 Years Later...

Finally found the cord I need to move my Nebraska pictures over from my camera to the computer, so here they are, though a little late and not in the most chronological order.Most of the photos I'm featured in have me wearing the same expression and sporting the same white streak in my hair that I suppose I could take on as a trademark, since no amount of dye really seems to absorb the color. The following two photos are of me and my Aunt Margaret. Me and Stephanie's dog. I have some video of him and Taylor, but I'll save that for another day. He is on a diet, in case you're worried. And this would be my mom and Aunt Margaret at lunch one day. My 91 year old grandma and me. Taylor Jo, Grandma, and my mother, in her natural state. This is Krista Detor, who gave the concert for everyone and was wonderful. Mother and me. White streak: intact.Where do you think I get it from? My second cousin, Ellie. Cute as a button and knows it. The birds. ...