More House Porn

I realized today on my walk to work that I have even more photos of the house--just a few. I don't know why I didn't take really any pictures of the kitchen. I was relieved that the inspector told me I could put in a mini dishwasher if needed. Maybe I can find an Energy Saver that I like. But enough about me; let's talk about the house. A picture of the open door. Totally exciting. Note the child's drawing of a sun. That will come down immediately!

Here is the back fence. It could use a coat or two of paint, but I like the lattice-work.

Wonderful place for flowers and or herbs or vegetables, though, unfortunately, I am completely unable to grow things. Not even sea monkeys survive under my care (that's not exactly true. I have a plant Carrie gave me for my birthday about 2 years ago that is still limping along, despite the fact that the cats chew on it regularly. I keep it on my kitchen windowsill so as not to forget to water it. And then I forget anyway).

Staircase. Lots of people like the photo montage. Liz M. said she would even allow me to put her photograph up there. Maybe I will ask all of my friends to have their portraits done by Owen Mills as we did in high school.

I did request from LM that she and John build me an elaborate and creative cat-scratching post for a house-warming gift. They are both artists and John can make furniture, so this better be good.


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