I have to write about this--I can't hold on to this information any longer, even though it may compromise myself in some ways, but the material is too good. Okay, it's fairly normal now for people to try Internet dating. Friends don't react in the same way now about it as they might have ten years ago--they don't make a face like you just admitted you're thinking about getting another five cats or getting a bilevel cut with bangs. And anyway, you don't have to sign up for anything online if you don't want to--you can glance at people just to see who's out there. But the very best thing about it is that guys (and I'm sure women too) say some unintentionally really funny things. Irina told me about her friend in NC who got read a profile from a local that said "I dont read much butt when i do its the bible."

Some guys like to emphasize what they absolutely don't want in a partner. Here's an example that C. sent me outlining one man's criteria: "You have your life together. Know what you want in a man. If you like drama, handle it by watching Desperate Housewives or by talking to your girlfriends, just don't drag me into it."

A headline that makes you not want to read more: "Short but well worth it." Why doesn't he just write: "Small penis but I will perform oral sex" (sorry, mom).

Another headline by a man whose user name is like shizzlemynizzle (I'm not kidding): "I'm strictly into women!!!! Women who have baby daddy drama should keep it moving, please don't contact me!!"
Photos can be a problem as some men like to pose next to their cars or shirtless or holding a fish or all three at once. Okay, I have to run a work errand. More later. Please feel free to add your own.


Liz said…
Ah, another testimonial for online dating. I should be doing this why, exactly?
Aimee said…
B/c it's interesting? Exciting? Depressing? Ridiculous?

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