We had Carrie's baby shower a couple of weekends ago, and I took just a few photos. Here they are.I didn't take a ton, because it made me feel self-conscious and plus impaired my ability to eat everything.
Participants were given a letter of the alphabet to create a baby book. My letter was "L." Dan helped me make it. |
Ioana and Stephanie did the decorations. It was a French theme. |
Carrie and Padhriag got to keep the adorable baby clothes and shoes circa 1950s |
Jenn Bing and I made the party favors--little earrings out of baby buttons + chocolate + a little candle. |
This is Jeanne's dog, Dasher. He was exhausted by the end. |
Twins. Both are nice (I'm told), though one is harder to get to know (they say). |
Aside from my own letter, I thought "P" turned out very well too. |
A giant brie. |
Our host, Jeanne. |
Carrie's mom, Joyce, is on the right. I do not know the other lady. |
Carrie used to collect antiques, so this is what I got them. Later, someone warned them that the baby might die from lead poisoning in the paint. Jealous, much? |
Gorgeous cookies made by a baker friend of Carrie's mom. |
Cookie onesie. |
Late in the party, someone arrived with these Eiffel Tower shortbread cookies. V. good. |
The sign outside. |