When it Rains, it Showers

We had Carrie's baby shower a couple of weekends ago, and I took just a few photos. Here they are.I didn't take a ton, because it made me feel self-conscious and plus impaired my ability to eat everything.

Participants were given a letter of the alphabet to create a baby book. My letter was "L." Dan helped me make it.

Ioana and Stephanie did the decorations. It was a French theme.

Carrie and Padhriag got to keep the adorable baby clothes and shoes circa 1950s

Jenn Bing and I made the party favors--little earrings out of baby buttons + chocolate + a little candle.

This is Jeanne's dog, Dasher. He was exhausted by the end.

Twins. Both are nice (I'm told), though one is harder to get to know (they say).

Aside from my own letter, I thought "P" turned out very well too.

A giant brie.

Our host, Jeanne.

Carrie's mom, Joyce, is on the right. I do not know the other lady.

Carrie used to collect antiques, so this is what I got them. Later, someone warned them that the baby might die from lead poisoning in the paint. Jealous, much?

Gorgeous cookies made by a baker friend of Carrie's mom.

Cookie onesie.

Late in the party, someone arrived with these Eiffel Tower shortbread cookies. V. good.

The sign outside.


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