That is what I have been advised to do. I will try it--in my head only, but if that doesn't work this time, I'll see what happens when I create an actual chest guard out of aluminum foil and packing tape. Per a magazine article about something else, I started making a list this morning of 100 things I want to do in the next couple of years; huge, impossible goals and manageable ones. I've found that none of them so far include high risk activities like bungee jumping or sky-diving or swimming with boa constrictors (I only made it to 30 before having to leave for work). Of course, I'm scared to do any of those things, yes, but I also don't have an overwhelming desire to say I've done them or to actually do them. Maybe I should? I also don't have a desire to travel to third world countries, though I should probably want to do that too. And I'm not much of a tropical beach person either. Like, Hawaii, Maui, Bali or an of the other "i-ending" vacation spots don't appeal to me. Maybe that's because I grew up mostly in Florida and worked at a beach shop and never overcame my fear of sharks because of
Jaws. I also don't want to climb a mountain or hike for 40 days and 40 nights or shoot anything and stuff it and I don't mind if I never ride a camel, though that might be interesting. My stuff is more nerdy and less adventurous like finishing certain books or seeing Jane Austen's country house or writing a novel. Traveling back in time would also make my list, but I don't know how practical that is, despite our leaps in technology.