How Do I Get There From Here?

Brooklynn Liz visited this weekend and I persuaded her to stay Sunday night so we could continue to indulge in an orgy of knitting and Sims playing. I took her to the Chinatown bus on Monday morning and then drove to work and parked at Temple for a mere $9. I forgot how aggravating it is to drive in the city. On the way home, I saw a driver reclined so far from the steering wheel, his head was in the back seat window. It looked as though no one were driving. Is this comfortable? Then later, I saw a girl riding her bike home from work wearing a skirt and backless, high heeled shoes. Change your shoes! Put on sneakers, for God's sake. That can't be safe. I decided I like to take the subway. I can read and people-watch and interesting things get to happen such as seeing that guy Mikey again (see entry: "My Name is Mikey, Yo"). He wasn't wearing his jacket this time, but I recognized his face and the poorly done tattoo on his hand. He happened to know the black guy sitting in the seat behind me and slapped him a high five. He said, "Whoa, your girlfriend looks tired!" (the guy's girlfriend had her eyes closed and her head on the window). He had a voice I wouldn't have expected, very Jerry Lewis'. He said something about not using anymore (drugs or alcohol, I'm not sure which), but how even when he was using, he managed to make it to work every day. It never effected his job. My stop came before I could learn more about Mikey, but odds are good that we might meet again.

In other news, I signed up for a summer fiction writing class at Temple beginning in May. We meet twice a week for three hours. Please let this help me to work on a story or two. I'm curious to know what the writing level will be like. The only other experience I have with workshops in Philadelphia is the TUCC class. Liz and I were talking about it this weekend and I struggled to articulate why I'm not attracted to taking that workshop again. Some basic logistical reasons--the instructor's class cap is around 20 and he allows others to sit in, so in one session, there were 24 people.


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