Plainsboro Library Beats Princeton Library

I have found one thing about Plainsboro that trumps Princeton and that is the library books sales. Granted, the Plainsboro Li-berry only holds a books sale once a month versus P-town, which has it all the time. However, they carry a wide array of books on all subjects and in good condition and they are very inexpensive. The stack of books you see below the sock monkey cost $7. Eleven books in total, ranging from the silly (the Pretty Good Joke Book which I bought for our trip) to the "I know I should read this" category (Norman Mailer's The Executioner's Song)  to books that I bought for other people because I love them (Lahiri's Interpreter of Maladies) to beach-y paperback thrillers (Deception) to an anime book for Luke (not pictured). So take that, Princeton. 12 books for $7.


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