I don't care about the view

What is wrong with me? I like a nice view--I prefer a nice sweeping, star-studded sky with a full moon to, let's say, looking out the window to see a dumpster and a brick wall. At the same time, I am not like Shawn who will climb a hill to see the view of the seven sisters Victorian houses in San Fran or who took 503 pics of the skyline from various angles. I do like a view if it includes animals. We went to the waterfront the other day and stood watching the fat blobby mermaid sea lions bark at each other and bask in the sun on floating rafts near the dock. I could've watched them for a long time. Yesterday, we rented bikes and rode them up the hill to the Golden Gate bridge and then rode all the way across it. That was beautiful and amazing. I wondered before we got on the bridge if you could really kill yourself by jumping in b/c it didn't look all that high, but once we were on top of it, Shawn said, See what I mean? And yes, you look down and the water is a far, far away pane of dark swirling glass. We rode down to Sausilito and then took the ferry back, passing alongside Alcatraz. I stared at it thinking, Wow, I can't believe Al Capone was kept here...Later, I realized that he never was. Where did I get that idea? Another bike ride to drop the bikes off and then we took a bus trip to the Mission to see Dave Eggers pirate store/writing workshop for kids place at 826 Valencia. The only part of San Fran we didn't see was the Castro, though we did spot a couple of well-dressed queens.

Okay, must go. We're driving to Santa Cruz today with Zena and then onward to LA on Friday. I may not get to write again and I miss it.


Anonymous said…
Hi Aimee, That bit about Al Capppone is funny, especially so since he was an inmate at the Eastern State Penitentiary, which is right here in your very own city. Anywho, the bike ride over the Golden Gate bridge sounds Amazing. A bike ride over the Ben Franklin bridge just isn't the same. Can't wait to see yr photos! Safe travels and lots of love, Carrie
Rod said…
Have you seen the Brooklyn Superhero Supply Co. at 826 NYC? It's in Park Slope. You can buy a bag of pine cones for $8. I can't remember how the pines cones were related to superherodom.

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