
Showing posts from April, 2009

Good, Better, Best Friday

Come Monday, all of the Easter festivities will be over and we will have to look for the next series of window installments. What's the next big holiday? It's not yet time for flags, I hope. Below, please find some lovely chocolate bunnies in profile. Chickie! I wonder at what point the tenant decided to display this doll in the window? Was it because her granddaughter was coming to visit? The doll is in very good shape, not dusty or sun-faded, and note that she is surrounded by decorative vases. There's that plastic blue bunny that everyone loves, brightening up the garbage strewn streets. And I took this photo on the way to work today. The entire sidewalk was covered with chalk from the night before. Tonight, will go with Carrie and Padhraig and P's Irish friend Roerighyee to see Neko Case in Glendale/side. I'm really just along for the ride; can't say I'm a particular fan or not. It's an early birthday present that I never asked for.

Short Nights

I don't mean "short nights" as in "nights when you wear shorts." I mean that now that I've been trying to get to the gym about 2-3 times during the week, I find myself arriving home later than usual, and so not catching all of whatever nonsense questions NPR'S Terry Gross (or her fill-in) has asked her guests. I don't miss it much, but it makes for a shorter evening. I barely have time to watch one TV show before it's up to bed to read. I'm becoming an old lady--turning the TV off at 10:30 to be sure I have lights out around 11:30. Lately, I've been reading Ian McEwan's Saturday . I really like him. He takes his time with descriptions, but not in an indulgent way. This book doesn't have the same intensity as or Atonement , but the form is neat--the whole book takes place on one day (guess which day?). Liz had an idea the other day that I should starting writing an Evie novel and one of the first chapters could begin with the li...

"Be Careful When You're Walking"

That was what Mr. DF told me the other day after I told him I was having the de ja vu thing all day (have made a dr.'s appt. Everything is fine). I told him that it kind of gave me vertigo sometimes and he said, "Well, just be careful when you're walking..." I thought that was funny and I keep remembering it when I'm on the street, like, W hoops, a puddle! If I hadn't been so careful, I might have stepped right into it without noticing . I remembered it again this morning because it was raining and I wore my red flats that do seem to want to kill me by becoming extra slippery when I'm walking down stairs. "Hold the railing when you're walking," might be another good bit of advice. "Don't take any wooden nickels" was the one my mom used to say, though I never quite understood what it meant. By the way, this photo of the lioness waiting in the grass is one of the things that comes up if you do an image search for "careful ...


So, one of the first things I did with my new paycheck is to purchase a queen-sized bed with minimal research involved, unless you count looking at a web link Carrie sent me. I don't know anything about coil counts or sproinginess or mattress flammability. I just know I like comfy bed at around a certain cost. I did go to Sleepy's and didn't buy anything that day and then went to another mattress place on my own and did buy a mattress from the guy, even though it felt weird to be lying down on these random mattressess in a huge showroom. I mean, they all pretty much feel the same to me. It's not like I laid down on one and fell instantly asleep. Of course, now I can't find the description of the bed the salesman gave me a piece of paper with details on it, and that has vanished. The bed was supposed to be delivered today, but the delivery people didn't call on Friday, so I called the sales dude this morning. I'm not looking forward to the awkwardness of the ...

The View From Here

I've been meaning to write about this humiliating moment that happened to me the other day. I was on my way to work, wearing this cute new (used) dress with a longer skirt. I actually remembered to put on a slip, and it was a longer slip because the dress falls below the knee. I hadn't worn the slip for awhile and I remember when I discovered it in my dresser, I was like, Oh, good, a nice white slip. So, I was sashaying down the sidewalk, after having just waved at the little girl who lives next door (and who I have always imagined sees me as a mentor, like, Gee, I want to be just like that lady when I grow up!) when I found myself stopped short. Because my slip had fallen down to my feet. I nearly tripped over it. It puddled on the ground around my shoes, and I had to figure out a way to gracefully step out of it (not possible). It turns out that the elastic was way too loose, probably from age or moths. So much for being a stunning role model for the neighbor girl. Here is a...