Lost in the Subway

I blame the iPhone for my morning delay and detour. I downloaded the newest update last night, and so was messing with my phone this AM and missed the Walnut Street stop (note: I haven't noticed anything different with my phone except now I have this thing called a Passbook?) . When I looked up, we were arriving at City Hall. I promised myself I would walk in halfway today, so I got out and tried to find my way out of the belly of the subway.

I wish I could find a map of the place, because it makes no sense to me.Here's what I imagine the map must look:

If you happen to go up the wrong stairwell, you end up in an entirely different part of the subway, going West instead of East, for example, and the only way to get back is to walk through the West part or totally backtrack and start over with a different stairwell. There are no signs to point you in the right direction, so you have to guess where you might be going. Consequently, when I finally emerged into the light, I was on Juniper and some other street and it took me at least 5 minutes to get off the island that is the City Hall stop and headed in the right direction.

Prior to that, I took a picture of this cat I see every day. The owner heard me talking to the cat and she came to the window. There were actually two cats and I learned their names from her, Mickey and Alistair (?I forget the second name but I think it began with the letter "a." Alvie Singer from Annie Hall?).

And this is my hair today. I've become obsessed with taking pictures of myself with Instagram and am so thrilled when you can't see the part where my hair is white and terrible. 


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