
Showing posts from May, 2017

And it begins again, different yet the same

I missed the season premiere of this first ever season of The Bachelorette featuring an African American person as the main contestant. I have yet to see the mixture of men...Looks like half white, half black, a couple of Asian Americans, and all here for the right reasons. Chris Harrison points out that Rachel is both smart and beautiful, "all of the attributes you could want" in a wife. All two attributes. The group date card comes out and tons of dudes are going. Rachel meets the guys while grilling at a BBQ. Hmm... Jonathan's job is "tickle monster" aka unemployed actor. They're playing football, and she "hut, hut, hikes" while wearing a dress. Everyone hates Lucas, and Blake, the aspiring drummer, says that Lucas is garbage and is only there to be on TV. Rachel has a lovely gap in her front teeth and I am so proud of her for not getting it fixed. Ashton Kutchner and some other lady are there. Ashton Kutchner is super hot. It occurs to ...

Dreams of the Apocalypse

Since Trump was elected president,* I've had several end-of-the world dreams. Last night, I dreamed that North Korea leveled an island in Hawaii, using a nuclear weapon to sink it into the ocean. In the dream, I was staying in Florida, and so trying to figure out if that meant I would be suffering from radiation. I've had other dreams where I'm scavenging for food because there has been a nuclear explosion, and another where I'm trying to figure out how to get a bunch of stray dogs into the basement because a bomb has been launched at us. I watched Home Fires last night, which is a PBS show about people in England during World War I, and all of the men are either leaving or returning damaged, and food is rationed, everyone has to make do, and I thought, Huh, I wonder how I'll manage when this happens again? Thirdly, I've been listening to the NPR podcast called S*Town, a true story about a small rural town in Alabama, featuring a central figure who is conv...