
Showing posts from May, 2016

Go, JoJo, go

In the inevitable movie of JoJo's transformative life (after The Bachelorette , she becomes an activist for small children in a third world country, accidentally concocts a vaccine, and is assassinated by a former Bachelor competitor while receiving the Nobel Peace Prize), she will be played by Rose Byrne. Right??!! And now, on to the second episode. Side note: Possibilities are never endless, as one of the men says. Previews show us that everyone hates Chad. I mean, duh, his name is "Chad." He has been cast as the ass who is not "HFTRR" ("here for the right reasons"). Vinny, Ali, Robbi, Tobi, Tommy, Tinky and Foofy are on the group date. All of the men are forced to wear black V-neck T-shirts. They send in a black limousine that's on fire and guess what? In comes a fire engine bearing JoJo, wearing a white tank top and yellow waders with suspenders to spray down the fire with a hose, thereby illustrating how she would be at a hand job (o...

The Shame

I'm so very embarrassed that my blog seems to now only exist when the most ridiculous reality show is on. Also, who is Mark Freestyle (I'm catching the last four minutes of Dancing with the Stars) ? Is he a gymnast? A bobsledder? Or is it Paige Someone who is the semi-famous/non-dancer person? I thought for sure that she was a true ballerina. She gets all tens as everyone has wet their pants per her excellent pirouettes. How many more seasons of DWTS before JoJo is a contestant? Guess: 3. First, we are required to watch ridiculous recaps of JoJoelle pretend to love what's his face. I have forgotten his name already. Steve? I am reminded that JoJo favors clothing that cascades off her shoulders. Promo example: Also, she talks in a baby voice and has amazing breasts (implants?) and two brothers who will kick the shit out of you if you cross their baby sis. Oh, okay, wait, she's on a journey to find love. Cue cascading waterfalls and sound check on the squawki...