On Wednesday, my friend from work offered me a piece of chocolate toffee, which of course, I was unable to refuse. As we were walking home, the toffee got stuck to my teeth and so I wrenched it out and threw away the candy, only to discover as I continued walking, that I'd also pulled out my entire crown. It's a weird feeling to run your tongue along your teeth and suddenly discover a pocket of space and the jagged edges of your remaining tooth. It didn't hurt though; that's the saving grace. Now, I'm scheduled to go in today to have the tooth completely extracted, since the dentist explained to me yesterday that it's beyond saving. Luckily, this is a back molar, and not like, my front tooth. Still--it reminds me of those stress dreams I have on occassion where all of my teeth are crumbling from my mouth--my biggest fear coming true. Had a cleaning yesterday and got through my discomfort with it by imagining that maybe I could write a poem about it somehow; s...