But Call Me Back: Horror Film Class
I’m taking this class about horror films and the gendered body. I am a feminist who has only taken one queer theory course, but who has always considered myself to be pro-female, pro-queer. I still feel that I have much to learn, particularly about how race and gender identity play into bias and stereotypes. A handful of my favorite horror films: Get Out Carrie The Shining Dolores Claiborne Misery Let’s take a quick look at how feminist or non-feminist a few of these films are. Get Out is a film that examines a terrifying “what-if” scenario. What if a white man discovered how to embed his consciousness into another being’s body? And what if that man was part of an entire white community who then decided it would be a good idea to seek out black bodies and inhabit them? That’s the premise of Get Out, and the central character is a black man dating a white woman who has essentially ensnared him to become another body donor for the community. I would say that this film is...