Under My (Gigantic) Umbrella

Nothing is better than a rainy Monday, unless you can also have a rainy Monday where your entire body is eclipsed by an umbrella. I realized this morning that I left my normal-sized bumbershoot at work and so was forced to use the one given to me by Drexel. Here is about how big it is:

It looks like it should be accompanied by a set of four patio chairs. I felt like apologizing to everyone who crossed my path as it required them to skirt to the edges of the sidewalk to avoid being gouged.

However, I arrived to work completely dry.

Took 2 yoga classes this weekend at Sweat. The one on Saturday was taught by an older woman who warned us ahead of time that she had a cold and so would not be touching us much during class. Yet somehow, she managed to put her hands on all of us. She asked our names at the beginning of the session and then referred to Jen and me throughout most of the class. "Jen, watch your arms. Jen, take a wider stance. Aimee, please stop falling over..." It was distracting. The Sunday class had a much better flow. The yoga teacher was a guy named Jake. He only touched me once to press on the small of my back during downward dog. I tried not to imagine he was flirting with me; especially since Dan also teaches yoga and the women in his class probably all of crushes on him. I know I do.

I like this artist today. His name is Mark Ryden. The first one is called "Sophia's Mercurial Waters."


 "Good-bye Bear"

"Allegory of the Four Elements"

"A Dog Named Jesus"
"Rosie's Tea Party"

"Clear Hearts, Grey Flowers"

"Dead Characters"

Maybe for the next fiction class I teach, I can bring in and distribute some of these and then you ask them to tell the story that's behind it. But then I'd get a lot of sci-fi, so maybe that's not the best idea.


Jenn Bing said…
I will try the yoga class next Sunday! I need to start my yoga training first.
Anonymous said…
Really great stuff!

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