Fame and Fortune

The class I teach for Philadelphia Stories got profiled in a piece by Carlin Romano in The Philadelphia Inquirer today. You can read the article here. Everybody sounds really intelligent and interesting. I passed out the registration forms for the next class (beginning in May), so maybe I will get to teach it again. We talked last night about Flannery O'Connor's short story, "A Good Man is Hard to Find" and there was some debate about whether or not O'Connor means for us to read the grandmother's last moment as one of redemption or condemnation. I, of course, have my own opinion and had to bite the inside of my cheek to keep from shouting, "I am right!" Next week, we'll talk about Hemingway's "Hills Like White Elephants." I am not a huge fan of Hemingway, but that doesn't mean I can't see why other people are. Maybe I should give them an exercise to write bad Hemingway prose. There are actual contests that exist for that very purpose.

And here is a link to one of my new favorite blogs (because it confirms my own irritation with the public transportation system in Philadelphia), SEPTA Fail.


Aimee- I'm not sure how to reach you other than this- I'm coming to Philly in April- want to have coffee? With me and two really small kids? Obviously, no need to post this- just let me know chefmommypants@gmail.com- Becca Ps I love this blog

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