Parties and Such

Realized that it has been almost a week since I posted and I have no good excuses, except lots has been going on such as birthdays, reunions with high school friends, presents, cat-capturing, animal bites, parties, the usual. Here are just a brief list of 5 things from last week:

1. Got to see one of my bff's from high school last Wed., Jen, as she was in for an interview with Free People. She's a designer and does these awesome handbags and scarfs and shoes and displays for Anthropologie and has traveled all over the world and wears great clothes still. She always had good clothes and would sometimes let me borrow them, even though she's smaller than me and they often didn't fit right. I took her to Reading Terminal for lunch and then we walked to Rittenhouse Square and reminisced about high school and how dorky we were (but secretly, how we thought we were kind of cool).

2. The kittens have adjusted very well at Carrie and Padhraig's and now will frolic with you. Padhraig actually sent me a link to photos of them yesterday, so he's clearly lost his mind.

3. Speaking of cats, I managed to catch the mama kitty on Saturday night. We found her trapped after getting home at like 1 a.m. Thank god I remember we had set the trap and she wasn't out there all night. I had just picked up a larger cat cage that day so we were able to bring her inside and stuff her into a bigger cage. She bit me and I bled all over the place and felt proud of myself for being hurt in the line of cat rescue, and have since had to have my pointer finger amputated, which makes me even more holy and good.

4. Had a birthday and got many lovely gifts including new 350 thread count sheets (in pink), a cheese grater (I asked for it), a notebook, a new dress, a bracelet, two generous gift cards, a bike helmet (pink again!) and a beautiful plant that I will likely kill in less than a week. I have whatever is the opposite of a green thumb. We went to dinner at Cochon, a French byob and then back to C & P;s for chocolate cake and kittens, and then out for drinks where we were joined by City Liz and my new bff from Temple, Mary Beth. More celebration to follow once Celia returns from Seattle. I think one should stretch out one's b-day as long as one possibly can. FYI, the photo in this post is from an archive of pictures from Grand Island, NE, near my hometown.

5. Liz and Luke visited from Brooklyn and I swear to God, when I was driving them back to the bus station on Sunday, I was laughing so hard that I had to slow the car down. I could hardly breath and it was the best. I can't even tell you what we were laughing about (well, I do remember but it's not fit for public consumption), but part of what was funny was that Liz kept burping b/c she had an upset stomach and a slight hang-over and so I'd be laughing about something and then she'd burp and, like a ten year old, I would get hysterical again. They are awesome.


Liz said…
I was glad to come along and meet your new BFF and all the others. Of course, after you all left it was once again me and the two 26 year olds. Ended up talking about my pathetic sex life and making me feel old. Nice. I love Saturday nights like that :)

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